
Showing posts from July, 2021

Taking Simple Phone Message

  Materi Taking Simple Phone Message Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMA/SMK / Oleh Delyana Tonapa Sumber Gambar : Zaman informasi, telephone, dalam hal ini telephone genggam merupakan salah satu kebutuhan yang tidak bisa terlepas dari kegiatan manusia. Bisa dikatakan bahwa telephone sudah menjadi kebutuhan pokok hampir semua orang. Untuk pembelajaran bahasa Inggris kelas XI SMA/SMK, telephoning merupakan materi yang wajib diajarkan. Topic ini penting untuk percakapan sehari-hari. ungkapan-ungkapan materi ini diajarkan, agar siswa (i) dapat menguasai ungkapan dalam menggunakan telfon.  Materi ini masuk pada Kompetensi Dasar 3.15 dengan tujuan pembelajaran adalah : Diperdengarkan Percakapan, siswa dapat menyebutkan Ungkapan Telephoning dengan jujur Diberikan percakapan, siswa dapat menentukan fungsi sosial teks Taking simple phone message secara mandiri Diberikan teks, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi persamaan Taking simple phone message and givin

XI TKJ Administrasi Sistem Jaringan - Pertemuan 2 (Instalasi Debian 6)


XI TKJ Administrasi Sistem Jaringan - Pertemuan 1 (Penjelasan)


3.1.1. Video Penjelasan Sistem Operasi Jaringan

3.1.1. Video Penjelasan Sistem Operasi Jaringan

Asking and Giving Opinion - Cara mudah meminta dan memberi pendapat dalam bahasa Inggris

Video 1 Video 2

Make this sentence complete

1. What is your opinion about ........... 2. Do you like .......... . 3. Do you agree with ..... 4. What do you think of ......... 5. What do you think about ....... 6. Do you have any suggestion ........ 7. Do you have any opinion on .... 8. What is your reaction to ..... 9. What is your view on ..... 10. Have you got any comments on .....

Asking dan Giving Opinions

1.    Fungsi Sosial Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.   EXPRESSIONS OF ASKING AND GIVING OPINION (Meminta dan Memberikan Pendapat) Opinion is including  the words of opinion and argument/ reasons. Opinion dialogue is a dialog consists of two persons or more who have opinion each others. It can use the expressions, such as in my opinion, in my view, I think etc.  Argument dialogue is a dialog that states the arguments or reasons. It can use the words such as first, second etc for arranging arguments. Asking Opinion Formal - Do you have any idea? -Please give me your frank opinion?  Informal - What is your opinion? - Why do they behave like that? - Do you think it’s going? - How do you like? - How was the trip? - How do you think of Rina’s idea ? - How do you feel about this dicition?   Giving opinion Formal - I personally believe that your book is newest - I personally think /feel this book is expensive Informal - I think I like

Offer and Suggestion

1. What is offer? Give some examples of offer. 2. What is Suggestion Give some examples of suggestion.

Offer and Suggestion

2.1. Offer: A. What is offer?      Offer is an expression of the desire by people in front of the other people to do something or not to do something. Offer means to give something physical or abstract to someone which can be taken as a gift or a trade. Offer can be given in terms of food, money, solution, friendship or a bargain. it can be taken or refused.   B. What is the purpose of offer? a. to present, introduce or propose a help or a assist for consideration. b. to propose a help. It can be accepted or refused. c, to facilatate interpersonal communication between people   C. How to express offer? When making offers , we often use the following expressions : -May I...? -Can I...? -Shall I...? -Would You ...? -How about I ...? Examples of making offers -May I give you a hand ? -Can I help you ? -Shall I bring you some tea ? -Would you like another piece of cake ?How about I help you with this -Can I clean the car for you ? -Shall I help you with your homework ? -I will you the wash